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Srpski Hrvatski
Imigracioni Upitnik

How to Contact Us

Telephone or In-person consultations 

Canada has very active and dynamic immigration policy and programs. They are constantly being updated and adapted to reflect country's current economic, social and cultural goals and objectives.

For those seeking to start a new life, it is not just about filling out the forms. Even though you are not obligated to hire professional, given the complexity of the system, we suggest that you seek professional help.

Immigration professionals can assist you in all phases of the proces from answering simple questions to making a full submission of your application.

However be aware from those claiming "quick and guarantee way" to immigrate.

We recognize that every applicant's situation is unique. For your particular issues, questions or concerns we will provide an individual professional consultation either by telephone or face to face at our office. For these services there is a charge of $100.00 Canadian dollars for 60 minutes consultations or $50.00 CAD for 30 minutes consultation.

You can always fill out our free Assessment Form, any time at your convenience and send it to us.

However, If you would like to speak to us, please book your appointments in advance having in mind the time differences between Canada's time zone and the other parts of the world. We will be pleased to answer questions or concerns you may have.


305 - 290 Maxwell Place  
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2K 0C7 Canada

E-mail:  stevo1@mymts.net


Phone: 1 (204) 668-1291  

Fax:      1 (204) 667-8840   

Cell:      1 (204) 955-1022
